Building Communities Where Children & Families Thrive
11:45 AM: Opening Plenary Lunch - Setting the Stage for Success - Dr. Robert Sornson, Early Learning Foundation & Dr. Jane Holmes Bernstein, Boston Children's Hospital
Whitney Atrium, Sheridan College
1:45 - 3:15 PM: Concurrent Workshops
- Growth & Development: What would it take for all of us to support the healthy development of mothers & children? Amy Rabon & Dr. Kate Yapuncich
- Community Engagement: Innovations from the field: New technologies and strategies to reach families. Lety Liera & Isabel Zumel
3:15 - 4:45 PM:
- Growth & Development: Early Learning Foundations: Finding a Common Developmental Language Across Sectors. Dr. Nicole Baldwin & Dr. Michelle Buchannan
- Community Engagement: Strategies that Bring Families Into our Solutions. Nicole de Beaufort
5:30 PM: Symposium Reception - WYO Theater Lobby
6:00 - 7:30 PM: Screening & Discussion - The Science of Resilience: How community based strategies can help build resilient children and families. Facilitated
8:00 AM: Coffee & Light Continental Breakfast
8:30 AM: Plenary Presentation: Stories from Detroit: How two neighborhoods are building language-rich environments for children and families. Nicole DeBeaufort
10:00 AM: Concurrent Workshops
- Growth & Development: Self regulation in the developing child: research, practice, prevention. Dr. Jane Holmes Bernstein
- Building Alliances for Healthy Outcomes: Change Beyond Caregiving. Wendy Ongaro
12:00 PM: Plenary Lunch: A View Downstream: The Implications for Adults. Dr. Allen Gee
1:45 - 3:00 PM: Working Sessions: Using a variety of facilitated strategies, peers and guests, we'll dedicate time to work on how we take the concepts that have been introduced during the symposium and think about how they can be used in our own contexts and communities.
3:00 PM: Closing Discussion
3:30 PM: Adjourn