Building Communities Where Children & Families Thrive: Mapping Our Strengths
11:00 AM11:00

Building Communities Where Children & Families Thrive: Mapping Our Strengths

  • First Interstate Bank Training Room (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation invites you to continue the conversation about how we build a community in Sheridan County where all children and families thrive.  

Meeting objectives: 

• Map the diverse programs that serve young children birth to eight.

• Identify synergies across programs

• Explore how we better work together to create a world class community where our youngest residents and their families thrive. 



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The Science of Resilience
6:30 PM18:30

The Science of Resilience

Join us for a screening and discussion about the science of resilience. A better understanding of why some children do well despite early adversity is important because it can help us design policies and programs that help more children reach their full potential. These three videos provide an overview of why resilience matters, how it develops, and how to strengthen it in children.

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Building Communities Where Children & Families Thrive
to Sep 30

Building Communities Where Children & Families Thrive

Join us at Sheridan College in Sheridan, Wyoming for Building Communities Where Children & Families Thrive.   This year’s symposium will focus on closing the gap between what we know and what we do in early childhood so that every child can succeed.

 The symposium will highlight what is working in our communities and why.  We’ll hear from practitioners who are making a difference and we’ll have plenty of time for you to develop your own knowledge and connections with others. 

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RAISING RESILIENT KIDS:   A Workshop For Grandparents
9:00 AM09:00

RAISING RESILIENT KIDS: A Workshop For Grandparents

As a part of the annual early childhood symposium, Building Communities Where Children & Families Thrive we would like to invite you to a workshop with Dr. Bob Sornson, founder of the Early Learning Foundation in Michigan.   Bob will be talking about how we help children develop self-regulation and empathy. 

Children with self-regulation skills can manage their own emotions, calm themselves, persevere and focus their attention.  Children with empathy have the foundation for social-emotional learning. These skills help children to be successful learners, workers and human beings.   In this workshop—designed especially for grandparents—you will learn specific techniques to help kids regulate themselves and develop social intelligence in school and in life.

Bob Sornson, Ph.D. is the founder of the Early Learning Foundation. He is a best-selling author and international speaker, trainer, and consultant.  As a teacher and school administrator, Bob recognized the importance of early learning success in the development of patterns of learning success which affect students for life.

Many thanks to Whitney Benefits Corporation for making it possible for this event to be free and open to anyone who would like to participate.  


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Building Brains!  AT CAPACITY!
6:00 PM18:00

Building Brains! AT CAPACITY!

We are sorry to report that we have reached capacity for this event. While we cannot accommodate any additional participants,  we would like to know if you would like to participate in the future.  

Join us as we learn about the science of early childhood through a fun, hands-on activity.  

Brain Architecture is a key starting place for understanding the story of early brain development and its consequences for lifelong health. Early positive or negative experiences change the structure and function of our brains; that concept sets the stage for understanding our role as a community in helping kids achieve better lifelong health.  This event is free and a light supper will be served.  We do ask that you RSVP below.

The Brain Architecture Game is a tabletop game experience that builds understanding of the powerful role of experiences on early brain development - what promotes it, what derails it, and with what consequences for society. 

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